Restructuring Law

The Re­struc­tu­ring Law has be­en in for­ce sin­ce the be­gin­ning of 2016.
It is a col­lec­tion of fle­xi­ble eco­no­mic and le­gal so­lu­tions for en­tre­pre­neurs at dif­fe­rent sta­ges of a fi­nan­cial cri­sis. The Re­struc­tu­ring Law cre­ates fa­vo­ura­ble con­di­tions for un­der­ta­king ven­tu­res which are bur­de­ned with re­aso­na­ble risk and pro­vi­des an op­por­tu­ni­ty to re­or­ga­ni­se unsuc­cess­ful un­der­ta­kings.
Even the best le­gal re­gu­la­tions will fall short of expec­ta­tions, if en­tre­pre­neurs them­se­lves do not try to de­tect in­so­lven­cy ri­sks ear­ly. A fast re­ac­tion to pro­blems re­la­ted to the con­di­tion of the en­ter­pri­se is of key im­por­tan­ce he­re. The ru­le is – the ear­lier, the bet­ter. Ho­we­ver, the in­ten­tion to sa­ve an en­ter­pri­se is not suf­fi­cient. It is ne­ces­sa­sry to ha­ve pro­vi­sions which will help the en­tre­pre­neur in its ef­forts. And it is whe­re the Re­struc­tu­ring Law co­mes in­to play.

Our publications

Komentarz do ustawy z 15 maja 2015 r. – Prawo restrukturyzacyjne (cz. 1)

Authors: Bartosz Sierakowski, Ph.D.


Komentarz do ustawy z 15 maja 2015 r. – Prawo restrukturyzacyjne (cz. 2)

Authors: Piotr Zimmerman, Anna Michalska


Komentarz do ustawy z 15 maja 2015 r. – Prawo restrukturyzacyjne (cz. 3)

Authors: Anna Michalska, dr Patryk Filipiak, Bartosz Sierakowski, Ph.D.


Priorytety to naprawa i oddłużenie. Upadłość jest ostatecznością.

Authors: Bartosz Sierakowski, Ph.D., Norbert Frosztęga
