Business in a crisis

We­aker con­fi­den­ce in a com­pa­ny can re­sult in the loss of fun­ding, the col­lec­tion of debts by the con­trac­ting par­ties, and, ul­ti­ma­te­ly, the loss of cu­sto­mers.

We pre­pa­re and im­ple­ment com­pre­hen­si­ve so­lu­tions for bu­si­nes­ses in a cri­sis, which ope­ra­te un­der in­cre­ased pres­su­re of the­ir bu­si­ness envi­ron­ment. De­pen­ding on the cri­sis si­tu­ation, we se­lect opti­mum to­ols: from de­ve­lop­ment re­struc­tu­ring to co­urt pro­ce­du­res pro­vi­ded for in the Re­struc­tu­ring Law.

As li­cen­sed re­struc­tu­ring ad­vi­sers, we as­su­me re­spon­si­bi­li­ty for due per­for­man­ce of re­struc­tu­ring sche­mes and ef­fi­cient car­ry­ing the com­pa­ny thro­ugh the co­urt pro­ce­du­res.

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A restructuring scheme

preparation, implementation and supervision over implementation

We de­ve­lop re­or­ga­ni­sa­tion sche­mes in the form of a do­cu­ment that will be the ba­sis for the plan­ned chan­ges and a po­int of de­par­tu­re for en­te­ring in­to an agre­ement with the cre­di­tors. As li­cen­sed re­struc­tu­ring ad­vi­sers, we as­su­me re­spon­si­bi­li­ty for im­ple­men­ta­tion of the sche­me by hol­ding the po­si­tion of an ad­mi­ni­stra­tor in the re­struc­tu­ring pro­ce­eding.

Negotiations and an agreement with creditors

including standstill agreements

We con­duct ne­go­tia­tions with cre­di­tors for conc­lu­sion of ar­ran­ge­ment agre­ements and out-o­f-co­urt re­struc­tu­ring of lia­bi­li­ties. We ne­go­tia­te stand­still agre­ements which al­low you to su­spend ma­tu­ri­ty of cla­ims, avo­id debt col­lec­tion and start talks on debt re­struc­tu­ring.

The role of supervisor and administrator

in restructuring proceedings

As li­cen­sed re­struc­tu­ring ad­vi­sers, we can be ap­po­in­ted by ma­na­ge­ment bo­ards of tro­ubled com­pa­nies to con­duct re­struc­tu­ring pro­ce­edings un­der co­urt su­per­vi­sion. The expe­rien­ce and go­od re­pu­ta­tion of our ad­vi­sers ma­ke it easier to ob­ta­in the con­sent of the re­struc­tu­ring co­urt, which de­pends on the sup­port of at le­ast 30% of cre­di­tors.

Interim Management

Interim management

We co­ope­ra­te with hi­gh­ly qu­ali­fied ma­na­ge­ment per­son­nel. Our ma­na­gers hold the po­si­tions of chief re­struc­tu­ring of­fi­cers (CRO) in the com­pa­ny. By in­tro­du­cing an in­te­rim ma­na­ger, we per­form plan­ned re­or­ga­ni­sa­tion ac­tions un­der cri­sis con­di­tions.

PRE-RESTRUCTURING SERVICES Pre-restructuring analysis

and crisis diagnostics

We iden­ti­fy the re­asons for the cri­sis, both exter­nal and in­ter­nal. We ana­ly­se the ef­fi­cien­cy of ope­ra­tions, the ma­na­ge­ment ca­pa­ci­ty, the de­ve­lop­ment stra­te­gies, the tech­no­lo­gies used and the cost and pri­cing po­li­cies.

Dynamic process of working out an arrangement


  • This is an ori­gi­nal pro­gram of pre­pa­ra­tion and im­ple­men­ta­tion of re­struc­tu­ring so­lu­tions which helps find a com­mon gro­und be­twe­en cre­di­tors and bu­si­nes­ses in a cri­sis.
  • It is ba­sed on work­shop and prac­ti­cal ap­pro­ach to ana­ly­sis and con­struc­tion of so­lu­tions which help bu­si­nes­ses re­ga­in the­ir growth.
  • It helps you to ma­ke chan­ges dy­na­mi­cal­ly by in­vo­lving spe­cia­li­sts from both par­ties, who lo­ok for a so­lu­tion to over­co­me the cri­sis, with par­ti­ci­pa­tion of exter­nal con­sul­tants.
  • It uses to­ols and expe­rien­ce in pre­pa­ring pro­to­ty­pes of re­struc­tu­ring sche­me mo­dels, which help you to se­lect the best so­lu­tion qu­ic­kly.
  • It en­su­res opti­mi­sa­tion in le­gal terms from the ve­ry start of the pro­cess to ena­ble a smo­oth pro­ce­eding be­fo­re re­struc­tu­ring co­urts.

Consultancy and funding

Financial consultancy and assistance in obtaining new funds

We opti­mal­ly use in­ter­nal so­ur­ces of fun­ding in the bu­si­ness. We help you to acqu­ire out­si­de in­ve­stors – fi­nan­cial in­sti­tu­tions, in­ve­st­ment funds and in­du­stry in­ve­stors.

State Aid Package

Including the Private Creditor Test and Private Investor Test

We pro­vi­de Sta­te Aid con­sul­tan­cy se­rvi­ces, when ac­tions aimed at for­gi­ve­ness of debts owed to sta­te in­sti­tu­tions (e.g. debts re­la­ted to ta­xes, li­qu­ida­ted da­ma­ges or other debts) are un­der­ta­ken. We con­duct pri­va­te cre­di­tor and in­ve­stor te­sts used for pro­ving that the be­ha­vio­ur of the Sta­te cor­re­sponds to the ac­tions of the pri­va­te en­ti­ty.

Crisis communications

We im­ple­ment PR stan­dards in cri­ti­cal si­tu­ations – we tra­in con­tact em­ploy­ees, car­ry out cri­sis cam­pa­igns, in­c­lu­ding cam­pa­igns who­se ob­jec­ti­ve is to re­bu­ilt the re­pu­ta­tion of a com­pa­ny. We de­ve­lop in­ter­nal com­mu­ni­ca­tions stan­dards – we edit in­for­ma­tion ma­te­rials, de­ve­lop mo­ti­va­tion and loy­al­ty in em­ploy­ees and as­sist the ma­na­ge­ment in pu­blic ap­pe­aran­ces. We ope­ra­te com­plex pro­ces­ses of com­mu­ni­ca­tions with cre­di­tors.

Read more about Restructuring Law.