
All of us can be­co­me cre­di­tors of an in­so­lvent deb­tor. This ap­plies to fi­nan­cial in­sti­tu­tions, sup­pliers, cu­sto­mers, em­ploy­ees and pu­blic en­ti­ties.
Prac­ti­ce shows that it is not easy to exer­ci­se all the ri­ghts, which you ha­ve in re­struc­tu­ring pro­ce­edings in the­ory. As li­cen­sed re­struc­tu­ring ad­vi­sers, we try to pro­tect the ri­ghts of all cre­di­tors, if po­ssi­ble and eco­no­mi­cal­ly re­aso­na­ble, by sa­ving the part­ner from li­qu­ida­tion.
When re­sto­ring the he­alth of our con­trac­ting par­ty­’s bu­si­ness, we try to col­lect re­ce­iva­bles and ga­in pro­fits from con­ti­nu­ed bu­si­ness co­ope­ra­tion.

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Submissions of applications

for opening a sanation proceeding (postępowanie sanacyjne) or applications for compulsory administration (zarząd przymusowy)

We ad­vi­se you when to use ad­van­ced re­struc­tu­ring in­stru­ments, e.g. ones that de­pri­ve the deb­tor of its ma­na­ge­rial po­wers, fa­ci­li­ta­te con­si­de­ra­ble job re­duc­tion and wi­th­dra­wal from di­sa­dvan­ta­ge­ous com­mer­cial con­tracts.

Protection of the rights and representation of creditors

in restructuring proceedings (Creditors’ Meeting, Creditors’ Committee)

We ope­ra­te cre­di­tor vo­ting and vo­te co­un­ting pro­ces­ses with par­ti­ci­pa­tion of se­ve­ral hun­dred up to a few tho­usand en­ti­ties. We ana­ly­se ar­ran­ge­ment pro­po­sals with re­gard to fi­nan­cial be­ne­fits, fe­asi­bi­li­ty, re­aso­na­ble­ness of di­vi­sion of cre­di­tors in­to in­te­rest gro­ups and any for­mal de­fects. We in­cre­ase the in­flu­en­ce of cre­di­tors on the pro­ce­eding by ap­po­in­ting Cre­di­tors’ Com­mit­te­es.

Early contractor party insolvency detection systems


We de­ploy in­stru­ments which al­low you to ef­fec­ti­ve­ly de­tect de­te­rio­ra­tion of the eco­no­mic and fi­nan­cial si­tu­ation of your con­trac­ting par­ties. We check the ef­fec­ti­ve­ness of the sys­tems – whe­ther they al­low you to un­der­ta­ke cor­rec­ti­ve me­asu­res at ear­ly sta­ges of a cri­sis.

Dynamic process of working out an arrangement


It en­su­res opti­mi­sa­tion in le­gal terms from the ve­ry start of the pro­cess to ena­ble a smo­oth pro­ce­eding be­fo­re re­struc­tu­ring co­urts.

Pre-restructuring analysis

We ana­ly­se the le­gal and fi­scal sta­tus, and the fi­nan­cial con­di­tion. We as­sess work ef­fec­ti­ve­ness and or­ga­ni­sa­tio­nal, and ma­na­ge­ment aspects. We ana­ly­se the bu­si­ness envi­ron­ment, the in­du­stry and the sec­tor of ope­ra­tion.

Economic assistance for restructuring decisions

We ana­ly­se and ve­ri­fy in­for­ma­tion on plan­ned ac­tions: funds, so­ur­ces of fun­ding, the cri­te­ria and me­thods of ef­fec­ti­ve­ness and risk as­ses­sments (e.g. li­qu­ida­tion of a bu­si­ness), ma­na­ge­rial ca­pa­bi­li­ties, as well as the extent to which cre­di­tor­s’ cla­ims ha­ve be­en sa­tis­fied.

Supervision and control

over the implementation of the arrangement and restructuring schemes

We su­per­vi­se im­ple­men­ta­tion of ar­ran­ge­ments as a co­ur­t-ap­po­in­ted su­per­vi­sor. We mo­ni­tor ef­fi­cien­cy of re­or­ga­ni­sa­tion ac­tions as at­tor­neys for cre­di­tors. As li­cen­sed re­struc­tu­ring ad­vi­sers, we can be ap­po­in­ted by ma­na­ge­ment bo­ards of tro­ubled com­pa­nies to con­duct re­struc­tu­ring pro­ce­edings un­der co­urt su­per­vi­sion. The expe­rien­ce and go­od re­pu­ta­tion of our ad­vi­sers ma­ke it easier to ob­ta­in the re­le­vant con­sent of the re­struc­tu­ring co­urt, which de­pends on the sup­port of at le­ast 30% of cre­di­tors.

Read more about Restructuring Law.