Marzena Kos – Sroka

project manager

She spe­cia­li­ses in re­struc­tu­ring and ban­krupt­cy law.
She has exten­si­ve expe­rien­ce in:
  • Advi­sing and re­pre­sen­ting both cre­di­tors and deb­tors in ban­krupt­cy pro­ce­edings,
  • Pre­pa­ring ban­krupt­cy pe­ti­tions, sub­mis­sions of cla­ims, ob­jec­tions to the list of cla­ims and de­fen­ces aga­inst di­stri­bu­tion plans in ban­krupt­cy pro­ce­edings,
  • Pre­pa­ring ap­pe­als, com­pla­ints and sub­mis­sions in the co­ur­se of ban­krupt­cy pro­ce­edings,
  • Pro­vi­ding on­go­ing se­rvi­ces for bu­si­nes­ses, in­c­lu­ding com­pa­nies and part­ner­ships at the risk of in­so­lven­cy,
  • Ne­go­tia­ting with cre­di­tors to en­ter in­to an ar­ran­ge­ment,
  • Co­or­di­na­ting the work of a te­am com­po­sed of la­wy­ers, ac­co­un­tants and ma­na­gers at the sta­ge of pre­pa­ra­tion of ar­ran­ge­ment pro­po­sals.
A co­-au­thor of aca­de­mic and po­pu­lar aca­de­mic pu­bli­ca­tions on ban­krupt­cy law.
Her pu­bli­ca­tions we­re pu­bli­shed in Mo­ni­tor Pra­wa Ban­ko­we­go, among others.
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